Tips for Maintaining Mental Health

Mental health IS just as important as physical health. It includes our emotional, psychological and social well being. Having a good work-life balance can greatly improve your mental health and people who live balanced lives can be more productive in all areas – at home, at work, at play. One of our company mottos is “Work Hard. Play Hard!” Achieving this balance can be difficult though, especially for a team like ours where everyone is highly motivated to succeed.

With positive mental health continuing to be important for success, we polled our team members for their personal tips on how to maintain positive mental health.

Here’s how our team members try to achieve balance in their lives:

  • In order to achieve a healthy work-life balance, I like to stay active with a morning workout. I also make sure that I am available for my wife and kids after a busy day at school and/or work. It’s easy for work demands to take over the day which is why I am a firm believer in carving out dedicated time to spend with family and friends in order to achieve a healthy work-life balance. (Matt)
  • I make sure to spend quality time with my wife and my two young daughters. And when time and weather permits, I can be found on the golf course which helps me get some fresh air and exercise, and is something I truly enjoy and provides me with a good work- life balance. (Paul)
  • Get outside! I like to go for a walk with my dogs or on my own, or just sit in the fresh air. (Tracey)
  • For me, mental health and physical health are closely tied together. Exercising, whether it be working out, jogging with a friend, or walking my two dogs helps a lot. Getting a good night’s sleep is also critical. And finally, I always feel better when I spend time with the people who make me feel good – my family and close friends! (Jen)
  • Working out at least 3 times a week if not more is key for me, as well as a healthy diet, proper hydration, and a good night’s sleep! I feel much more balanced and available for my family when I make sure I take the time to take care of myself. (Cary)

Physical activity is a big component to maintaining a balanced mental state of mind. It can improve your mood and help prevent mental illness. Be sure to take the time to fit in some physical activity and also do things that you enjoy, like reading a book or painting. The other important thing to note is that it is ok to ask for help. Life is full of stresses, and sometimes it just helps to talk to someone.

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