All our staff at Stevenson & White had children of various ages at home during the COVID lockdown, and it was a struggle for each of us. We can certainly relate to what some of you may have gone through trying to balance work and children – whether there are little ones by your side, school aged children remote learning, or both!
Cary Hogson, our Office Administrator & Marketing Specialist, had three children at home who were all in elementary school. Check out her top 5 survival tips for working from home with kids:
1. Create Manageable Workspaces
In the event that you have children that are at home remote learning, be sure to set up a comfortable area for them and ensure that they have all that they will need. If you have more than one child, give them their own space (or headsets if that is not possible) so that they are not interrupted by each other. You may wish to set yourself up along side any young children in case they need assistance.
2. Set a Schedule
If you are able to schedule your meetings and calls around your child’s school schedule you will have a better chance of being uninterrupted. It is easier to commit yourself to a call when they are focused and not needing any assistance as opposed to a recess period where you may be needed to provide snacks or where you may get interrupted. If there are two parents working remotely from home, try to avoid calls at the same time so that one parent can oversee the children and leave the other parent to focus on work.
3. Prepare Lunch Ahead of Time or Have Something Easily Available
Some parents find it helpful to pack lunches for their kids just as they would if they were going to school so that it is less disruptive during the workday. For those that do not continue with packed lunches and your children are not old enough to make their own lunches, be sure to have some quick items readily available. If you can send them outside for a quick recess to expel some energy, this will be very helpful for you too!
4. Shift Your Work Schedule
Complete some of your work tasks in the evenings when possible. Although it is not ideal, it may be less stressful for you in the end. While work calls and meetings are not usually tasks that can be done after hours, if anything else can be put off to make your day more manageable – go for it. Evenings not your thing? Try and start your day early to get ahead before the kids are starting their day.
5. Go Easy On Yourself
You are only able to do so much. Working while taking care of kids is an extremely difficult and stressful scenario. This is a very challenging situation and you are not the only person going through it, so rest assured that you are not alone. Do not beat yourself up or put too much pressure on yourself to do more than you are capable of. Don’t stress about the small things – the house will get clean, and a few take-out meals are ok if they help make things easier for you! Remember to breathe and try and get some fresh air each day, especially when it is warmer out. Above all else, try and keep an open line of communication with your employer. These are unprecedented times, and hopefully they are trying to be as understanding as they can be.
Count each day as a survival day and reward yourself with a few minutes of relaxation at the end of the day – a long walk or a glass of wine is a nice way to unwind!